
Hey Everyone,

As we wrap up our blog posts for this week, we want to thank you for all of the support that you are providing your children in this journey. As we head into next week, which is spring break, please take that time to rest, relax, and recharge. When we return the following week, we will begin our Virtual Learning 2.0 Plan. As a district and school team, we have met to establish new plans and expectations as our safer at home mandate has been extended. We plan to make a video for parents to explain it!

Thank you for your feedback on what we are trying to best help you. Please always feel free to let us know what is working or not working for your families. We’ve gotten feedback that we are sending too many resources and will scale back. Just a reminder that all is optional and use what is best for you :). Sorry if we have overwhelmed you.

Do you have play time in your schedule? Here is a tool from Mrs. Steif: Play Time

See below for a message from Ms. Duda.

Here is a video for “morning meeting”: https://youtu.be/_Uk6HjYAZ6M

Here is a video for literacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ZIxqPIuPo

Here is the video for math: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRC3IjrWoBw

A message from Miss Duda: 
Hello everyone, here is a message from Miss Duda 

It is always important to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally.  As you take care of your family, you also need to take care of yourself. During this interesting time we may need to come up with some creative ways to practice self care. I have included just a few ways you can practice some self care at home.

  1.  Turn on some tunes. Put some of your favorite music on (new or old). Share with your family what the number one hits were when you were their age. 
  2.  Make a letter, email, text or phone call to someone that has been on your mind or to a person that you know could use a positive message. Often times we ourselves feel better when we make others feel better. 
  3.  Get active. Move. Go for a walk or run. Have a dance party in your house (see tip 1). Getting active releases endorphins in the brain that make us feel better. 
  4. Start each day with a goal or an intention in mind. Once you have completed the task reward yourself with something you enjoy (for me its chocolate). If you are finding yourself overwhelmed, make a checklist. As you start working your way down your checklist you may feel more empowered and capable. 
  5. Practice some meditation and/or breathing techniques.
    5 minute meditation video 1

    5 Minute Mindful Breathing video 1
  6.  Listen to your favorite podcast, explore a new one, or pick up a book that you have had sitting around but haven't had the time to start. (If you are looking for a good podcast feel free to reach out to me I have plenty of great suggestions)
  7. Get some sleep. Try keeping a bedtime routine the best you can for your kids and YOU.
  8. Follow the rule of 3. When you find yourself in a negative spot or feeling frustrated think of 3 things that you are looking forward to, make you smile, or that you are truly grateful for. 
  9. Stay hydrated by keeping your water intake high. Drinking water has many benefits for your brain and your body. To name a few; promotes healthy skin, flushes out toxins, aids in regulating blood pressure and body temperature, supports digestion and kidney health. \
  10. Finish something. A coloring page, laundry, refilling the bird feeder. Whatever it may be, finish a task, project or activity today. 
As always please feel you can reach out to me at any time. I am here for you.

Ashley Duda
School Counselor
Self Care Tips For Spring - Staunton Primary CareSelf-Care Battery: Recharge Yours!


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