

This week we will be holding a lottery to choose chaperones for the upcoming field trip. We will let you know this week if you will be joining us. Let me know if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events:
1/7: Assembly
1/9: MAP Testing (Wittmann)
1/10: Service Group at Lunch
1/17: MAP Testing (Wittmann)
1/17: Field Trip

Celebrate NDLC Week dress up days are:
Tuesday, January 21: Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
Wednesday, January 22: twin day
Thursday, January 23: active wear/sports wear
Friday, January 24: NDLC wear---crazy purple day

Specials this week:
Monday: Gym and music
Tuesday: Library check-out and guidance
Wednesday: Gym and music
Thursday: Gym and music
Friday: Art

This week we will begin our next unit! We are exploring the next step in counting money my learning about quarters and dollars. We will also begin investigating strategies for double digit subtraction.

This week we will begin our next unit! We are going to be growing our reading muscles as we begin reading longer books. This week we will begin thinking deeper about characters and the problems they face. We will pay attention to all the qualities of a character, what they do and don’t like, and how they feel. As we read longer books, we will also think about how the parts of the book go together and how the events impact the main character.

This week we will begin our next unit on opinion writing! We are going to begin digging deep into books that have characters that we love. As writers, we will practice writing letters where we share ideas that we have about the characters in our books. We will practice stating our opinions and sharing examples.

Word Study:
This week in word work we will be taking the mid year spelling test. We will also continue sending home spelling words in their agendas. Then we will be starting Unit 6. This unit focuses on vowel-consonant-e.

Researcher’s Workshop:
In Researcher’s Workshop, we are going to begin investigating and exploring more about the history and geography of Kaukauna. We will explore articles, artifacts, and other research about various topics related to Kaukauna that we are interested in.

Words this week:

  • there
  • why
  • knew
  • know


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