

Last week our first field trip permission slip came home. It will be to 1000 Islands for our current science unit. Please sign and return the slip with the $4 by Monday October 14th.

Upcoming Events:
10/14: Field Trip form Due
10/22: Family Night
10/24: Field Trip
11/1: No School

Specials this week:
Monday: Library check-out and guidance
Tuesday: Gym and Music
Wednesday: Gym and Music
Thursday: Art
Friday: Library Skills and Gym

In reading this week we are starting a quick unit about remembering all the ways readers solve tricky words. We will also focus on lifting the level of envisioning work that 2nd graders start to do. How in their minds, they create a clear image by thinking about all of the parts of the scene, both the characters and the setting.

In writing this week, we are continuing to craft small moment stories. We are exploring and digging deep into mentor texts and studying what master authors do to make their writing so powerful! We are practicing trying out the craft moves in our own writing throughout the drafting and revising process. We will also be working more intentionally on revising and editing our writing to make sure that we are using all that we know to grow our writing muscles!

In math this week we will be wrapping up our first unit. Students have been learning about different problem types we see in 2nd grade. This week will start with working on 2-step word problems then reviewing and we will take the test on Thursday.

Here is a picture of the Types of Math Problems chart:

Researcher’s Workshop: In researcher’s workshop we are continuing our inquiry centers for students to learn more and more about animal biodiversity, adaptations, and human inventions that tend to the needs of certain animals.

Word Work:
In word work we are working on blending and reading words with “glued” sounds: all, am, an, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink,onk, and unk. We will also review r-controlled vowels: ar, er, ir, or, and ur.


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